Bed Bugs

Bed Bugs

Here are some bed bug facts:

  • Contrary to popular belief, bed bugs are not microscopic. While small, you can see all life stages with the naked eye.
  • Both nymphs (immatures) and adults only feed on blood and must have a blood meal in order to develop and survive.
  • Bed bugs do not jump or fly but they are good hitchhikers.
  • Bed bugs generally feed at night and typically hide in dark cracks and crevices during the day.
  • Common hiding places are typically located within 6 feet from areas where humans sleep or rest including box springs, along mattress seams, behind headboards, or inside furniture and upholstery.
  • There are several was to prevent bed bug infestations in your home.
    • When travelling, check for bed bugs in your hotel room. Inspect your luggage before leaving, and wash and dry all your clothing when you get home.
    • If you purchase second-hand furniture, thoroughly inspect the item for bed bugs before bringing it into your home. 
 UC IPM resources on bed bugs: